Florida Buisness for sale

Listing BBF-117297780: Sports Related Biz|Sports Memorabilia

General Location: Broward County
Asking Price: $999,000
Annual Gross Sales: $1,113,875
Owner Benefit:
(Net Profit + Owner Salary)
Business Description

Reason for Sale: Retirement- Extremely Profitable Online/Wholesale Collectibles Business. Established since 2004 selling worldwide to avid hobbyists. 60% sport related cards/comics/autograph memorabilia- 30% toys & action figures, movies, music related items-10 % other. 50% of sales revenue is retail/ 50% is wholesale accounts.  28k + items listed on Ebay. Wholesale accounts are local resellers on the following auctions & Social media platforms, Tik Tok, Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up and What Not. All wholesale accounts are Orlando South. Experienced staff will transition with new owner. Owner benefit $260k+. $580k+ inventory included in the sale.

Number of Employees: 3 FT, 3 PT , 1 Mgrs
Established in: 2005
Owner Financing Provided: Information Not Provided
Training Provided by Owner: 4 weeks
Is Business Re-locatable: Yes
Reason For Selling: Retirement.



Contact Information: The following company and/or agent is a licensed real estate broker/and or a business broker.
Name: Russell Cohen
Phone: (954) 900-2685

Bizmarketflorida.com is not responsible for the accuracy of business information provided by a seller!


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