Florida Buisness for sale

Listing BBF-1287-18201: Internet Related|Internet Business

General Location: Broward County - Relocatable
Asking Price: $570,000
Annual Gross Sales: $150,678
Owner Benefit:
(Net Profit + Owner Salary)
Business Description

Reason for Sale: No more ownership responsibility- This online learning organization is an approved Continuing Education (CE) (# 50-17105) provider, offering CE courses for many healthcare professionals in the State of Florida. Seller has prepared online content for Nursing and Pharmacy professionals. The company has also been approved as a CE Provider for Arkansas, District of Columbia, Georgia, New Mexico, South Carolina, West Virginia, Alabama, Arizona.  Expert Sr. Instructional Designer can be packaged with the sale. Seller is expert course designer but not a marketing specialist. 180 courses built & ready to market to healthcare professionals. Buyer can sell in bulk to healthcare organizations, colleges, and universities. Courses are Moodle base. Learning objects are transferable to other Moodle platforms. Opportunity for course conversions, such as: Moodle to Captivate or Moodle to Storyline (price negotiable).

Number of Employees: 0
Established in: 2004
Owner Financing Provided: Information Not Provided
Training Provided by Owner: 4 weeks
Is Business Re-locatable: Yes
Reason For Selling: No more ownership responsibility.



Contact Information: The following company and/or agent is a licensed real estate broker/and or a business broker.
Name: Russell Cohen
Phone: (954) 900-2685
Agency: South Florida M&A Advisors

Bizmarketflorida.com is not responsible for the accuracy of business information provided by a seller!


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