Florida Buisness for sale

Listing BBF-1287-18205: Construction|Contractor Plumber

General Location: Broward County
Asking Price: $800,000
Annual Gross Sales: $1,091,262
Owner Benefit:
(Net Profit + Owner Salary)
Business Description

Reason for Sale: Leaving the Industry- Highly Profitable Residential Plumber for Sale. Established since 2002 servicing high-rise condos on the beach. Services include shower, toilets repairs for condo owners & pump rooms, cast iron repairs for the buildings. 50% residential repairs/ 50% remodeling. 1 Full Time & 2 PT plumbers on staff. Great Books & Records (3 yrs. of tax returns on file). 3-2021 Nissan Vans Included in the sale. 2023 Sales $1 million + with an Owner Benefit of $400k. Relocatable. Great add on opportunity for another plumbing company. Easy to grow as the seller has no website & does no advertising. All sales are done by word of mouth.

Number of Employees: 1 FT, 2 PT
Established in: 2003
Owner Financing Provided: Information Not Provided
Training Provided by Owner: 4 weeks
Is Business Re-locatable: Yes
Reason For Selling: Leaving Industry.



Contact Information: The following company and/or agent is a licensed real estate broker/and or a business broker.
Name: Russell Cohen
Phone: (954) 900-2685
Agency: South Florida M&A Advisors

Bizmarketflorida.com is not responsible for the accuracy of business information provided by a seller!


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